THE EPIPLECTIC BICYCLE is a stop-motion animated film based on the book by Edward Gorey. It is the tale of two siblings who unexpectedly encounter a bicycle with a life and a will of it's own. Brother, sister and bicycle embark on an intrepid journey in which they face dangerous situations and strange creatures, only to find an unexpected surprise when they return home.


The Epiplectic Bicycle is a 2010 MFA film project in association with the University of Connecticut's Department of Dramatic Arts & Puppet Arts Program.

Copyright © 1969 & 1997 by Edward Gorey. Used by permission of Harcourt Brace & Co. 

Winner of "Best Character Design" AniMazSpot Film Festival 2011. 

Winner of the Goldene Kurbel award, International Cycling Film Festival; Germany, 2019.

Featured film of the 2019 Edwardian Ball, 20th Anniversary; San Francisco & Los Angeles.


Film Stills

Edward Gorey's Book Pages

Behind the Scenes